Channeling Blunt Chatter
episode 5: pursuing 'I Can'

episode 5: pursuing 'I Can'

One. Don’t let the potential energy inside of you fester. Two. Excuses are outdated. Three. Be honest with yourself by taking radical responsibility for how you feel. Four. Own your memories, thoughts and feelings like you paid for them in blood. Five. Man made perspectives are emotionally charged and short sighted (lack foresight and imagination). Six. Your story is a borrowed vehicle. Pointing the finger to place blame is like crashing the car into a pole, returning it to the shop and saying, “The pole has to pay for the damages.” Um hello! Read numbers one-five again.

P.S At one point I said, “Grasping for claws” but it’s your job to hear, “grasping at straws”. THANK YOU!

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Channeling Blunt Chatter
‘Channeling Blunt Chatter’ welcomes you!!! I am Hanniyah and I am in love with what language has brought to life thus far. Therefore, this podcast is the perfect home for all the words that lie inside of me. Entering this space will surely reveal to you the dialogue that shapes my world. Trust that I'll be chatting a lot about spirituality and religion, molding belief systems, faith, gratitude, quantum stuff (lol) and whatever else falls along those lines.
To channel is to draw in, to be blunt is to get to the point, and to chat is kinda subjective (it’s up to you how I sound). Just know that I am drawing on my understanding of the power of knowledge to remain focused in the direction I've already traveled. You'll surely take something beautiful away when you leave.
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Hanniyah Simone