In this episode, I rounded every version of myself up and gave a personalized thank you message to each and every one of them: each thank you just as sincere as the last. You’re going to listen to this episode multiple times and go down a different journey for each. It’s truly beautiful to grasp all the things I learned about myself (I listened for a total of three times). One thing I learned is how much my voice belongs in the Church because preachers and pastors can listen to this and use my words in their sermons because of the fruit and life I’ve brought to my words. The love I return to the body (The Kingdom of Heaven). Respect.
The last thing I want to say is this: In the world of ‘House of the Dragon’, whenever you see the name Rhaenyra in the script, you still read her name as “The Queen” from the scripts start to finish… not just when it explicitly states that she is physically sitting atop a throne being a Queen. Her name, her character, her role, always. I love the writers for who her father was to her during all her seasons, just as I am choosing to write my Father as the same. Muah <3
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